Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New York Times Journalist

An author who also wrote for the NY Times came to my place to view my art over the weekend. He loved the stuff and wants a piece.

My conflict is I have been preparing for a show that I would like to bring to Europe. "Americans in Paris" I called it and it depicts deviant behavior that people might engage in while on holiday away from their normal circles. If you scroll down you'll see some of these images.

They all take place inside old Parisian apartments with wood floors, French windows and doors and ornate furniture.

The problem is I don't want to sell anything before it goes on tour, even though this tour is theoretical.

Can anyone see the answer to my problem?


Alan said...

I've heard of some artists who get patrons to hang substitute art, or even authoritative copies of art in their place while having the originals on exhibit.

They sometimes get a kick out of the fact that art they own is touring before the crown heads of Europe.

Is that just stories that artists tell naive listeners?

Carl said...

Alan, Interesting.

I have heard, and know it to be true, that sometimes you sell a piece of art with the condition that it will continue on the tour, or with the clause that it can be shown somewhere, sometime. You sometimes see a sign that says, "On loan from Jaime Hetzelbaum"