Thursday, December 10, 2009


Now that the show is over, I'm getting adjusted to normal life. I have a commission I need to finish and should start on that.

Will be in two different films this weekend, so, I guess that means I am accomplishing my goals. Next I need to find some money. The creditors are just around the corner, I can feel them lurking.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Show was a Smashing Success!

It worked! Even with the snow people came to the opening night. Having done a not so good job at marketing I was surprised. Turns out that some of my friends had invited their friends and the place was filled.

The Swing Easy Trio did a superb job and we are making plans for more events! Thanks to Lane Berk who relentlessly wrangled contact information from the crowd I will be able to inform those interested of the next show.

The hostel itself is interested in my donating a piece of art as a permenant fixture, I'll have to think about that.

I mentioned that my desire was to have the show go to Paris. Two different people offered contacts they had living there in the arts who they thought could help. Fun.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Preparing for Art Show

Doing the last minute things that will make this show happen. Got a van to take the things over tomorrow evening. I'll stack them their and hang them the next day probably.

Looks like I'll have a projector running some of Carl's Basement videos as part of the installation. Happy about that.

Went to the Baltimore Choral Arts Society Christmas performance at the Basilica tonight. Good time. Was in the front row. Part of the program included the conductor turning and leading the audience in some Christmas songs. Elsbeth heard me sing and afterward told me she knows Tom Hall, the conductor, and that I should go for an audition. I'll consider looking into it but I don't know if it would interfere with the theatre or the film shoots. I'll have to think about it.

Fresh News

Got a good post from an old friend in the performing arts in NY. He saw "Carl's Basement" videos and showed his director friend. This guy liked them and now we are getting connected. He's making some film up in that State and can't hurt to be aligned.

Just launched twitter but no time to learn that one yet. Show's coming up and I'm nearly late on everything. This Sat. is the event!

The judge crashed her car last night and I need to bring her to a rental place now.